Top 7 things to do in Vivacious Valencia

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Valencia is a vibrant seaside city in the sunny country of Spain. The city boasts beautiful beaches, awe-inspiring architecture, an efficient and affordable public transport system and, last but not least, the very best paella. Here’s a list of the top 7 things to do while visiting Valencia.

  1. Eat Paella

Valencia is the birthplace of Paella. Paella was historically a typical lunchtime meal for farmers and labourers comprising rice, vegetables, rabbit, duck, chicken or whatever else was readily available. It’s now a local staple and globally renowned Spanish dish.  Whether you’re looking for traditional paella, seafood paella or a vegetable paella, you can find it all in Valencia. There are many restaurants worth exploring. La Pepica comes highly recommended; their seafood paella is superb. Be warned, you will need to make a booking if you hope to eat at La Pepica. You can find more details here

  1. Visit the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

If you only have time to squeeze in one activity while visiting Valencia, it most certainly has to be the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències. The City of Arts and Sciences is a unique and impressive complex showcasing steel, reflective glass and crystal blue ponds. The complex houses a science museum, an opera house, an aquarium and an IMAX theatre, among others. The complex was designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela and has become the most renowned tourist destination in Valencia. You can find more information here

  1. Horchata and Fartons

Horchata is a cool refreshing, creamy drink made, typically, from ground tiger nuts. It’s often enjoyed with fartons – a sweet pastry, served warm. Fartons are most commonly dipped in horchata which is why they’re generally served together. It’s a quintessential Spanish treat. If you’re looking for a great spot to enjoy Horchata and Fartons, I can recommend Horchatería Santa Catalina. You can find more information here

  1. Visit Mercado Central Market

Mercado Central Market is Europe’s largest fresh produce market. I was fortunate enough to do a tour of this spectacular market on an organised event as part of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants festivities. This beautiful 8000m2 space is housed by ornate large span iron bays reminiscent of the Eiffel Tower. You can pick up just about anything at the market including fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, cheese, spices, nuts, wine, etc. If you feel like a quick snack while browsing the market, you can visit Central Bar, the market’s traditional bar at the hands of renowned chef Ricard Camarena. Well worth the visit, you don’t want to miss out on Mercado Central Market.

  1. Spend a morning at the beach

Valencia boasts a number of beaches like the Malvarrosa Beach, Cabanyal Beach, Llevant Beach and Patacona Beach to name a few. The sea is warm with an average annual temperature of about 25⁰C making it ideal for swimming and splashing about. The Spanish beach culture is quite different to that of South Africa so don’t be alarmed if beach-goers appear half naked to you; topless tanning and tiny speedos are the norm in Valencia.

  1. Agua de Valencia

Agua de Valencia is a must-try. It’s the perfect cocktail for sunny Mediterranean Spain comprising orange juice (made from Valencian oranges), cava (Spanish sparkling wine), gin, vodka and some sugar. The drink is typically served in a large pitcher for sharing. Agua de Valencia, a delicious and refreshing cocktail that can also be rather potent (be warned, the sugar is very effective at disguising the alcohol). I recommend visiting Cafe de las Horas if you want to try some fantastic Agua de Valencia. You can find more details here

  1. Go for a walk in the Turia Garden

Go for a walk or a jog through the Turia Garden. This urban garden stretches through the city for 9km and was once where the old Turia River flowed. The river was rerouted after a catastrophic flood in 1957. The Turia Garden is now a dried up river bed occupied by fitness fanatics, playful children, cyclists and nature enthusiasts; quite remarkable to see.


For more tourist information, be sure to visit

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